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Form Designing
Eli Gimelraikh avatar
Written by Eli Gimelraikh
Updated over a year ago





Form Name

(Mandatory) Enter the name of the form.

Icon - A drop-down window of preconfigured icons. Enables to add an icon to the form.


Permissions and Assignees

This section enables to define specific operational permissions to specific user roles.

Managed By Status - Enables configuration of statuses for the form


Configuration tabs

Each form has multiple configuration tabs:

Details – general form settings and preview.

Statuses - (Available only if “Managed By Status” checkbox is checked) – Status configuration screen.

Approval Settings – approval configuration screen.

Triggers – specific triggers configuration screen.


Form preview

Displays a preview of the form.



Save button. This button bust be clicked to save the configuration of the form.


Advanced settings

This section enables to configure the form’s behavior in Next Plus.


Fields Order

Management pane for the fields that are configured in the form. Enables to add, remove, and reorder the fields in the form.

Details Tab

Permissions and Assignees

Managed By Status

This checkbox enables to add Status features to the form.

☑️ When checked, the form can have additional operational modes, which can set the status of the form at different stages of the process.

Default Assignee

Assign the form to a specific user. This field enables to configure a default assignee for the form. If an assignee is configured, each time this type of form is created, a notification will be sent to the default assignee.

View Certificate

Enables to set a certificate for the users that can only VIEW the form.

  • Multiple certificates can be assigned.

Create Certificate

Enables to set a certificate for the users that can CREATE and FILL the form.

  • Multiple certificates can be assigned.

Close Certificate (Appears only if Manage by Status is selected)

Enables to set a certificate for the users that Close the form.

  • Multiple certificates can be assigned.

Advanced Settings

Form Context

A drop-down window that enables to set the form’s reference point.

There are two reference points:

  • Session – The form will be available and bounded to the session of the workflow. This means that the filled information will appear, and refer, to a specific session. This is the common implementation of forms.

  • Workflow – The form shall be available for the workflow itself. This type of form is used mainly for engineering comments, on the workflow itself.

Single form

This checkbox enables to set the behavior of the form filling an appearance.

☑️ When checked, this form is filled once per session. It can be accessed multiple times. However, the outcome is a single instance of the form.

<aside> ℹ️ For example – ATP form / Visual Inspection form.


🔲 When unchecked, each time the form, is opened – a new instance is created. After the first completion of the form, for the next time – the user can create a new one or edit his first instance. This is also referred to as Global Form.

<aside> ℹ️ For example – Support request forms / MRB forms.


Available in any Workflow

This checkbox enables to set the appearance settings of the form.

☑️ When checked, the form will be available in all workflows, under the 3-dot menu button.

🔲 When unchecked, the form has to be added to a workflow – in the ADMIN section – under Forms.

Then, this form will appear in that specific workflow.

ℹ️ Forms can be added to multiple workflows.

Send Notification emails

This checkbox activates/deactivates email notification options.

☑️ When checked, notification emails are sent, in addition to the notifications in Next Plus.

Notification emails are sent according to the following rules:

  • Any status change will generate a notification email to the form reporter.

  • Any assignee change will generate a notification email to the newly added assignee.

Include in digest email

☑️ When checked, Open forms will be included in the daily digest email.

View for digest email

Enables to configure specific views of the form that will be sent in the digest email.

Hide Assignee Field

☑️ When checked, this feature disables the ability of assigning the form to a specific user. Which means, that the form must be completed by the user that is currently running the workflow.

Allow Unassigned

Checkbox that disables assignment of the form.

☑️When checked, the form can be filled without assigning a specific user to fill the form.

Enable in Preview Mode (Workflow)

Applicable only to Workflow context forms.

By default, forms do not appear in Editor Preview mode. This feature enables to display the form in Preview mode.

Enable as Standalone Form

Checkbox that defines the operational appearance of the form.

☑️ When checked, the form can be filled from a workflow, or it can be filled outside of a specific workflow, from the Reports menu.

<aside> ℹ️ The form cannot be used in work orders. Which means, that it does not display the properties of the work order. It can be added to any workflow


Fields Order

Menu that enables to configure the fields in the form.

Cog wheel - - Opens the field's configuration settings for the form. Enables to configure who can enter data and set whether to show the field at the next workflow session.

Trash - - Remove the field from the form.

Reordering - Enables to set up the needed field order by dragging up or down the field while pressing.

Pencil - - Edit field.

ℹ️ Please note - editing a field will have an effect on the field and on all places in which the field is configured to appear.

Select Fields – Open the select fields window – See Fields article for additional information.

Statuses Tab

This screen allows users to configure the status settings for forms within the system. It is designed to manage the lifecycle of a form by assigning it a status that indicates its current stage in the workflow.

Status Types

There are three predefined status types:

  • New: Assigned to a form when it is opened. This status indicates that the form has not been processed yet.

  • In Progress: Indicates that the form has been read and work is currently being carried out on it.

  • Closed: Assigned when no further action is needed on the form, marking it as completed.

Each form must have at least one status of each predefined type for the proper functioning of the system.

Status Names

While the system provides default names for statuses ("Open," "In Progress," and "Closed"), users have the flexibility to customize these names according to their preferences or organizational terminology.

Managing Statuses

The interface provides options for users to manage statuses:

  • Users can add new statuses by clicking the "+" icon at the top right of the statuses list.

  • For each new status, the user must provide a unique status name and assign one of the predefined status types to it.

Configuring a New Status

To configure a new status, the user should perform the following actions:

  1. Click the "+" icon to add a new status.

  2. Enter a custom status name that will be displayed in the system.

  3. Select the corresponding status type from the predefined options: "New," "In Progress," or "Closed."

  4. (Optional) Choose a color to visually represent the status for easy identification in the workflow.

Additional Settings

  • Default Status: Users can set a default status for new forms. This status is automatically assigned when a form is created.

  • Close Status on Workflow Release: This toggle option allows users to set a status that will be automatically assigned to a form when it is released from the workflow, typically marking it as "Closed."

Saving Changes

After configuring statuses and adjusting settings, users must click the "SAVE" button to apply the changes to the system.

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